Friday, July 23, 2010


The life of a young doctor is riddled to the brim with ups and downs. I spend most of my time thinking, worrying, fighting with an internal dialogue over my next question, my next exam, my next order, my next anything. It is not so much that I am frozen by fear although I hold my fears close and allow them to help guide me through the valley of death. This internal dialogue rests in the realm of polar opposites. In life there are fundamentally two kinds of people: those who do and those who do not. Inherently, we slide back and forth between these two kinds of people throughout each day, a continuum of doing and not doing. Each decision between these two end points carries consequence and responsibility. So what does this all have to do with teachers? In the emergency room, there is a lot of doing especially from the young doctors who are still treading through that soupy matrix of residency. Young doctors mainly learn from three people: the patient, the nurse, and finally senior doctors. We learn the most from the patient, who trusts us to do no harm and find a way to the right decision, albeit stumbling at times. Above all, however, it is the nurse who carries my utmost respect and admiration. A nurse carries the weight of the patient care and advocacy, of teaching, and of keeping the physician out of trouble. To the resident who is about to make a mistake in ordering a drug or laboratory study, one might hear from an experience emergency department nurse to the new intern, “Doctor are you sure you want to order that lab?” There is a method in their ways. They come at you with the respect of a colleague but also with deep down seeded confidence in knowing the right answer and still offering the student, the young doctor, a chance to learn. The nurse could easily pass on the opportunity to teach and continue to go about his/her duties, but he or she doesn’t. The nurse cares not only about the patient of which he or she is responsible for but also for the young doctor. Tonight, with my glass of gentle red wine, I toast the nurse from which I will learn more than I may ever realize.

1 comment:

Shadow said...

It is true. They are the best.

You've got a nice blog. I like your style in writing. It is so different and interesting.

goodluck Doc.